Well I trust you all had a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
Still that's it all over for another Year (as they say). The Sock drawer is fully recharged and I have plenty Hankies should I ever get a Triple cold. Or I could even send some to the Red Cross should a FLU Epidemic suddenly sweep China ;)
Joking aside, I did receive something this Christmas, That was very special to me. A Christmas card.
Some time ago, I started to help out this Man who had just got an Amiga. I Have to Admit he was a Complete novice, However he was enthusiastic enough, And I eventually introduced him to the Wonders of using Pagestream.
Shortly before Christmas the Postman delivered a Home made Card from this Friend (Designed and Printed on his Amiga).
Now normally you receive a card have a Quick Read of it and stick it somewhere along with the Rest of them.
However because I knew that this card had been Purposely manufactured, I just had to look closely at it. Now I have to admit, I doubt that I could have made any better job. The Quality was excellent.
This card was made even more special to me as I am aware of just how much work is Involved in Producing something like that.
Often in life we either GET or GIVE Assistance to people, However it's not often we get to see the true results of what we have done or what we have received.
Its strange how the Little things will always stick in your mind, and knowing that in some small way I helped this Gentleman and he repaid me for this by being confident enough to put my advice into practice and Produce his Own Christmas cards, Was a reward in it's self.
Well enough about Christmas, What is Happening in the Torrid world of RIYAN Productions.
Well for those not in the Know, Issues 14 & 15 Appeared on the AmigActive Cover CD. Also Issue 15 was uploaded to the Aminet Archives. This has meant that we now have a World wide Audience. Now we head on for stage 2. A lot of Previous Amiga Owners have moved over to the PC ... It's understandable, And lets face it the NEW Amiga OS will run on a PC. The problem is that these people cannot Read our wonderful Magazine :(
Problem Solved :) Yes from this Issue (16) We at RIYAN Productions will be publishing an HTML Version on the Web Page for all to enjoy.
To dismiss any fears that Disk Readers may have over past events on another Magazine I was involved with. The Web (html) Version WILL be a virtual clone of the disk version.
Obviously there has to be some very minor Differences, But that's exactly what they will be MINOR.
I would ask you all to understand that producing a Dual Version of the CRYPT has put all at RIYAN Productions under a lot of ENJOYABLE Pressure. So please Support us in this Venture, If you are not on line yourself, But know someone who is (Even if it is with a PC) Tell them/Ask them to go to our web page and have a Quick Read
They will not regret it, and neither will you, Because the more readers we get, the better the Magazine will get. Please Support us.
What will happen to the CRYPT when the New AMIGA OS is available:
Well of course the DMC program used for making the Magazine is now showing its age, and I would doubt very much that the New OS would run it.
Of course the easy solution is to say. Get yourself on the Internet and Read the html version, and close down the Disk edition.
Stupid I know :) But we never take the simple option. So one of our elite team has decided to try to create a NEW DMC type Program ....One that will not only update the current DMC to a more modern Program, But to also create a version that would also work on a PC.
Work on this is at a very early stage, However progress has been made and we are confident of Producing something in the Future.
Our new Technical Editor - Craig Daines is hoping to set up a Technical help line to assist users with Computing Problems.
While this will be an On-Line type service, All questions and Answers will be printed in each issue of the Magazine. Also any readers of the Disk version will be able to contact Craig either by writing to him or through the Pages of the CRYPT, So no need to feel left out.
Have you got a Problem of a Technical Nature? Well call either Ray or myself and we can pass your Questions on the Craig. (You will find our Telephone numbers in the Magazine pages).
Well Enough Ranting from the Ferret for this Issue, No doubt you are dying to get on and read the Magazine.